looks 2009 cause i miss 2009

Today I went to Toys r Us

I wanted to go because i knew they would be closing.


heres some of the stuff i gotf:id:PinkBunny108:20180610024215j:plain


a puppy surprise!

I remember seeing these online and they were so cute!! their eyes remind me of this little baby doll i had back when i was a toddler. plus the colors are so pretty!!!


a sleepy bulbasaur

i just,,,,,,, i love him....


dragon quest heros II

i didnt even finish the first game, but i just wanted it. i love dragon quest...

especially dragon quest 9.... it was my life for a long time....


Geoffrey doll!

I thought since i might forget i went to toys r us during its last waking days, i wanted to get something to remember it by. they had these birthday geoffreys in a bin near the regesters so i got one.

i also got another thing but thats gonna be a gift for a friends whos comming over soon ;)


its sad to see toys r us close for good. everytime my parents drove past toys r us, i would feel giddy just looking at it.

and even more giddy when we actually went there.

seeing it close down and being 18 feels kinda weird. like my childhood is over.

but hey i heard kb toys is comming back.

still though, i did have more of a connection to toys r us.

rip in peace u beutiful bastard.